Saturday, September 24, 2011

The Struggle Within

I have to admit. I have been struggling. Struggling with willpower. Even when I can view convenience store food as vile I still find myself when I am tired my viewpoints change. I end up with the corn dogs and then I am off to bed. Or if I cook in the truck I have trouble with portion sizes because I went all day without stopping to eat something. Even when I eat healthy I still have trouble with portion sizes. When I am waiting to be dispatched or at a dock I find myself eating out of anxiousness. Since I got my new smart phone I am more occupied but that only lasts so long. Waiting to be dispatched I have to be in or near the truck. At a dock I usually have to wait in or near the truck plus some places don't want a driver to be walking around. But this is exercise and that's another post. This post is my struggle with food. It's time for a new strategy. Going without the cooler doesn't work. Filling the cooler to capacity with stuff that spoils in a couple of days isn't working. I have to find the middle ground. Time to reevaluate. I did download an app that counts my calories. A friend of mine used it and he has lost almost 100 lbs. I was losing weight well with calorie counting so I am going back to that. This week I have a game plan. I won't post it until I know it's working.

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