Monday, December 6, 2010

Post thanksgiving

Well hello readers. I have returned with an actual post. Here it goes.

After Thanksgiving and four days of annoying people at home the road called out and I headed for Malta Bend, MO. When I got there I learned that not only did this place have a dock but everything was going to get unloaded by hand. As I am waiting for the truck in front of me getting unloaded I get approached by one of the workers who wants to see if my stuff had any of the damage the other truck had.

I open the doors and luckily my stuff hadn't taken a fall like the other trucks cargo. What was in my trailer was some kind of plastic liners for water cooling towers. The stuff was very thin and very easy to damage. Then the forklift guy and I had a conversation:

Fork guy: "Ok hop up there and start putting the stuff on this pallet."
ME: "Am I supposed to unload this?"
Fork guy: "Yeah"
Me:"Well we aren't supposed to unload our trucks, but I will help if it will get me out of here faster. This stuff is awkward and I don't want to damage this so can you help me real quick?"
Fork guy:"I am not allowed to get in your trailer. It's against my company rules."
ME: "So you expect me to break my company rules but you can't break yours?"
Fork guy:"Sorry."

So I hopped off the trailer and proceeded to tell his boss that a 53 foot trailer that no one was allowed to enter wasn't gonna unload itself. They had a "meeting" and decided that they could enter the trailer which was lacking in the magical unloading itself fairy dust.

Now don't get me wrong. There are many times I wish I could have been the one unloading. It would go quicker and it beats sitting on my arse but this stuff was fragile and it became more of a principal matter as well.

Thirty minutes later I was on my way to waiting for my next load. It was a good beginning to what would be an interesting week.

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