Saturday, November 27, 2010

Turkey Blues

Sorry I haven't been blogging awhile. The irony here is that I have more followers now than I did when I was updating this thing every week. Since it's Thanksgiving weekend and all I would like to say I a thankful for everyone who reads my blog.

Now down to business. I have been doing a lot of runs south here lately. I have been to Florida three times in the last couple of months. Two times I was deadheaded all the way to Georgia to get my next load. But one time I had to go further south to South Bay to pick up sugar. South bay is a rough looking area that had me intimidated more than once so I just kept the windows and doors locked and shut and didn't make eye contact. I also saw my second alligator since I have been an OTR guy. The runs down there was plastic pallets going to Fort Pierce. An easy 1134 paid miles backed up with a 585 mile deadhead (also paid)the Florida runs have been nice on the paycheck and fuel mileage.

I actually made it home for turkey day this year and will be home awhile. have a good holiday everyone.

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