Saturday, July 3, 2010

Finally june is over!

June has been a hectic month for me. I requested three sets of weekends off that were very important dates and found myself extremely stressed out not knowing if my fleet manager pulls it off. In the end the worst that happened was I got home on a friday night instead of morning on the day my band had a show. Each weekend was cut short and basically all were just 34 hour resets. This is the first weekend that I actually get a weekend. But I have a ton of stuff to do, not to mention getting ready for the next run which means shopping, laundry, plus I need to mow the lawn and get some computer stuff done. Oh yeah and squeeze a trip to the grandparents for the fourth.

I am especially excited because this week I take my son with me. He's eight years old and is ready to become a truckdriver. He loves it out on the open road. I like having the company. Although I have to be careful. I have been known to drive my full 11 hours with only one bathroom break. I can't really do that with an 8 year old in the truck. My next run is set. We leave for El Paso, TX for an open window appointment due wednesday.

Hopefully I can keep up with this blog. I have been kinda bored with the usual driving updates but will start posting again. Judging by the other blogs I read I am not the only one that has had a busy month. Cheers.

1 comment:

Terry said...

I know what you mean, I have had good intentions to keep up in literary form, but seem to fall short when it actually comes time to post something !! Glad you made it in for your resets !!