Saturday, May 29, 2010

Going nowhere but somewhere

Well I finally get home after a two week adventure. My doctor's appointment went ok. He said the lump was just a cist and nothing to worry about. My blood work came back this week. Everything seems around the normal range. So now the pressure is on me to lose weight. You see I used to be one of them annoying BMX Freestylers. Up until I was 20 this was how I kept the weight off.

Cute wasn't I?

When I was about 21 this gal was born.

This is a picture of my eldest child who had her graduation ceremony on Monday May 17th. When she was born I went into work mode and ended up selling my last bike which was a Haro Master. My bike hobby eventually led to a guitar hobby and well I stopped burning the fuel I was taking in. I have friends, family, and coworkers who are losing their lives due to poor health. I want to be at the graduation ceremonies of my remaining children so I need to do something. Trucking makes it hard but I have friends and followers of this blog who make it work. I just need to make it work.

The stationary bike is almost an insult to me considering my past. But it gets my activity level up no matter what the weather holds. Like this week I was glad I had it because I ended up resetting in the middle of the week in Amish Country. Although I wish I had a real bike with me because where I was parked looked like a good riding area. At times I have been tempted to take the bike out of the truck because it's in the way but my will power has triumphed. I shouldn't let a little inconvenience get the best of me.

A highlight this week was seeing terry. She was the first driver I have heard about having a stationary bike in the truck and she has given me some good advice. Her bike folds in so it doesn't take up as much room and I would like to find one just like it. It would be perfect for my truck because she has the same truck I do.

So I am starting a new venture while my health is decent enough to do so. I will keep updating my progress here mixed in with my trucking adventures. Have a good Memorial Day.

1 comment:

Terry said...

I am really gonna have to get some internet service at home, sheesh....Too busy out on the road to sign in :-).

Hope the dimensions helped you out.. The smaller bike is still in the way, but once again, that leaves room to motivate you to use it. I have been slackin the last few weeks..ohh!!