Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Short Run Monday

Tuesday April 5, 2010

Yesterday started at 4am and I made it to the McDonalds that goes over I44 in Oklahoma for a coffee and bathroom break. I also used the opportunity to call the receiver to find the job site I was going to. No answer. Of course. So I head down to Jenks' OK hoping my GPS knew what the heck it was doing. Ten minutes later I get a call from the job site guy and I was scribbling directions while driving which is what I was trying to avoid.

Turns out that Google maps that I had looked at the night before was WAY off as I suspected and that's why I didn't have much faith in the GPS. I discovered that job site guy doesn't know how to count traffic lights and the GPS did know how to find this place.

Once I got there the next challenge was making sure I didn't get trapped. If I remember correctly apartment complexes are usually not truck friendly. I find a place for them to unload me. This takes awhile because the forklift had to drag these pallets to the back with a chain. This made for a longer unload time and a messy trailer that I had to sweep up.

My next assignment had me taking a double take. It was supposed to be picked up Friday in Muskogee, OK and delivered in Springfield, MO by Monday at 1400. It was now 1100 and I wasn't even to Muskogee yet. Must have been a dispatch mishap but me the driver gets the heat at both the shipper and receiver. Oh well.

I drop, hook, fuel, and scale in Muskogee and drove 188 miles to the customer. I was pleasntly surprised when there were no empty trailers and was told to bobtail home and wait for the next load at home. Looks like it might be another slow week.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That McDonald's is a funny deal. I've only been there once when we went to Tulsa for that Carcass show. Kinda freaky to be standing over a highway.